Donald Trump supporters and anti Trump protestors have crowded in Manhattan outside the Republican’s home to both celebrate and oppose his inevitable victory. Both groups have clashed over the imminent election result which will see Trump become the new President of the United States and there are said to have been several fights which have…
Trump and Clinton supporters clash in Manhattan
Exit Polls
As the US electorate make their way to the polls in their droves to vote for either Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump, several surveys and exit polls will be released on the night, predicting how many votes each candidate will receive. The latest exit poll to be released saw Clinton with an estimated 202 votes…
Who is old news?
The election is now in full swing, with results being counted and final scores released at 0500 (GMT). But who is old news? However, it cannot go unnoticed that what could be considered as some of the most reliable news outlets releasing different results. People have taken to platforms such as Facebook to express their…
Oregon to stay Democrat
By Holly Sawyer Hillary Clinton has kept hold of Oregon, therefore clinching seven more electoral points. With 64% of votes reported, Clinton has 53.4% of the votes in her favour, beating Trump to the state, allowing Oregon to withhold its preference to the democrats, a trend starting in 1988.
Clinton Victorious in Maryland
Hillary Clinton has continued the Democrats streak in Maryland, earning 10 electoral college votes to aid her bid to become the first ever female president. Clinton won the vote comfortably with 61.5%, with Trump lagging behind on 34.5% of the vote. No change has been seen in the legislative representation from the state, with only…